Designed especially for the cricket pitch, ProGame shock pads deliver high performance especially when it comes to ball rebound. Thanks to the ProGame closed-cell PE foam shock pads, players can rely on the consistent playing characteristics of the turf system of the pitch, infield and outfield of a cricket installation.

Why ProGame
ProGame shock pads effectively contribute to a perfectly stable feeling on the cricket pitch. This enables and encourages players to move with confidence at full speed in any weather.
Constant performance for the entire service life
Excellent recovery properties
Reusable for many installations
Excellent drainage, high temperature stability, no water absorption.
Weather resistance
Quick and easy installation
Easy installation
Shock Pad Installation

Unrolling the shock pad rolls along the width of the pitch

Welding of roll joints with adhesive tape

Installation of artificial turf layers on ProGame shock pad

Gluing of artificial turf and lines